Ayano Sudo

Dari Indonesia Netaudio Forum
Revisi per 29 Juli 2018 02.42 oleh Andreas (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi '==== Biografi ==== The subject of her work is the desire to transform oneself, surpassing one's granted gender. Ayano Sudo photographs herself and other models in vari...')
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The subject of her work is the desire to transform oneself, surpassing one's granted gender. Ayano Sudo photographs herself and other models in various locations and countries, and also in her studio in Japan; the settings and the processes that undertake the transformations thus go further beyond given nationality, sexuality, or time period. The resulting work, color prints on textured paper, floats between photography and Shojo-Manga (a genre of manga destined to girls between ages 10 to 18), and is decorated with rhinestones and glitter, sparkling and shining almost like stage make-up under spotlights when installed.

Ayano Sudo was born in 1986. After completing a study exchange program at Beaux-Arts de Paris in 2009, she graduated from Kyoto City University Of Arts in 2011. The same year she received the Yasumasa Morimura prize, part of Mio Photo Osaka. Won Canon New Cosmos Grand Prix 2014. She will take part in the group exhibition "I know something about love, asian contemporary photography" at Tokyo Photographic Art Museum in October 2018.

Pranala Luar