Bottlesmoker – Gambol (Remix)

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Bottlesmoker - Gambol Remix

Bottlesmoker - Gambol (Remix)

Release Date: July 14th 2015

Bottlesmoker--duo indietronic dari Bandung, Indonesia--dan Indonesian Netlabel Union merayakan MP3 Day dan Netlabel Day dengan sebuah proyek musik open source. Kami mengundang publik untuk me-remix sebuah lagu milik Bottlesmoker yang berjudul Gambol. Kami mendistribusikan multitrack dan dua belas musisi seluruh dunia me-remix-nya, yaitu: Mystical Haze, Asasabu, Noisynoise, Raka Adi, The Silent Committee, Oak Coma, Alfi Prakoso, Luhung Nuraga, Ricky Volta, Space and Missile, Andy Gustiawan, dan Bossbattle.

Bottlesmoker—dynamic duo indietronic from Indonesia--and Indonesian Netlabel Union celebrate MP3 Day and Netlabel Day with an open source music project. We invited people to remix Bottlesmoker’s song:Gambol. We shared the multitrack and twelve musician from around the world remix it: Mystical Haze, Asasabu, Noisynoise, Raka Adi, The Silent Committee, Oak Coma, Alfi Prakoso, Luhung Nuraga, Ricky Volta, Space and Missile, Andy Gustiawan, and Bossbattle. This project is a playful activity! Make time to play everyday :-)

Gambol composed by Bottlesmoker

Artwork by Muhammad Akbar

Download here

This project under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license