Oomleo Berkaraoke

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A karaoke performance project by Narpati Awangga (Goodnight Electric) which provide hundreds of playlist that are incorporated with music videos that contains song lyrics. This attempt created to involve the audience in a collective singing experience. The audience could also pick their favourite song to be played and sung by themselves so the karaoke experience will be more dynamic and united.

Bahasa Indonesia

Proyek karaoke performer Narpati Awangga (Goodnight Electric) ini menyajikan ratusan daftar putar lagu yang didampingi dengan video serta lirik lagu-lagunya dan mengajak audiensnya untuk mengalami suasana bernyanyi bersama. Audiens bebas untuk memilih atau meminta lagu favoritnya untuk diputar dan dinyanyikan sehingga suasana karaoke menjadi lebih kolektif dan dinamis.

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