Soichiro Mihara/Kazuki Saita
Daftar isi
Bahasa Inggris
Soichiro Mihara
Aiming to create artwork that openly engages with the world, Soichiro Mihara creates systems that employ materials and phenomenon such as sound, foam, radiation, rainbows, microorganisms, moss, electricity, airflow, and soil. From 2011 he has exhibited, in Japan and overseas, “[blank] project”, which considers the relationship between technology and society. He has resided and produced art in 10 places in 8 countries, including the Arctic, a rainforest, a military border, and a bioart laboratory. Recently, his work was shown in a solo exhibition called The World Filled with Blanks (Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Germany, 2013; Kyoto Art Center, 2016) and was shown in the group exhibitions Elements of Art and Science (The Ars Electronica Center, Austria, 2016) and Sound Art. Sound as a Medium of Art (ZKM, Germany, 2012). Recently, he has also been maintaining and repairing artwork such as sound sculptures and media art, mediums without an established methodology.
Kazuki Saita
Kazuki Saita is an electronic musical instrument producer and programmer. He is also a visiting head of the anonymous organization Kinoshita Lab and has completed a course at the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences, Studio 2, at the School of Engineering at Tohoku University. While at university, he began producing a sound installation called “moids” with Soichiro Mihara and others. Currently, besides working at a music instrument production company as an engineer, he is also active producing home-made electric instruments and performing with The Breadboard Band, Re-inventing the Wheel project, and other groups. He also supervises translations of books on synthesizers and electronic engineering.
Bahasa Indonesia
Soichiro Mihara
Dengan tujuan menciptakan sebuah karya seni yang terbuka secara luas kepada dunia, Soichiro Mihara menciptakan sebuah sistem menggunakan material dan fenomena seperti bunyi, busa, radiasi, pelangi, mikro-organisme, lumut, elektrisitas, aliran udara dan tanah. Semenjak 2011 ia telah memamerkan—di dalam dan luar Jepang—“[blank] project”, yang dianggap sebagai hubungan antara teknologi dan masyarakat. Dia telah menetap dan memproduksi karya seni di 10 tempat dalam 8 negara, termasuk Antartika, hutan hujan, perbatasan militer dan laboratorium bioart. Hingga kini, karya-karyanya telah ditampilkan dalam pameran tunggalnya dengan judul The World Filled with Blanks (Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Germany, 2013; Kyoto Art Center, 2016) dan dipamerkan dalam pameran kelompok Elements of Art and Science (The Ars Electronica Center, Austria, 2016) dan Sound Art. Sound as a Medium of Art (ZKM, Germany, 2012). Ia juga bekerja sebagai teknisi untuk mengurus dan memperbaiki karya seni berbentuk sound sculpture dan media art.
Kazuki Saita
Kazuki Saita adalah seorang produser dan pemrogram instrumen musik elektronik. Dia juga adalah seorang ketua tamu di organisasi anonim Kinoshita Lab dan telah menyelesaikan studinya di Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences, Studio 2, di School of Engineering at Tohoku University. Ia mulai memproduksi karya instalasi bunyi bertajuk ‘moids’ bersama Soichiro Mihara dan rekan-rekan lainnya sebagai pelajar di universitas. Saat ini, selain bekerja di sebuah perusahaan produsen instrumen musik sebagai engineer, dia juga aktif memproduksi instrumen musik elektronik rumahan dan tampil di panggung bersama The Breadboard Band, Re-inventing the Wheel project, dan kelompok lainnya. Kazuki juga menjadi penanggungjawab dalam penerjemahan buku-buku mengenai synthesizers dan electronic engineering ke bahasa Jepang.